Thursday, March 26, 2015

FREE PRINTABLE: Gospel Tract for Children

Check out this video on how to put together the gospel tract for kids! 

 Do you teach Sunday School? AWANA? VBS? Do you help organize your church's Easter egg hunts or "Trunk-or-Treats"? Maybe your kids have some friends who have been asking questions about what your family believes. Maybe your own kids are asking questions. There is always a reason to have good gospel literature handy for kids.

        Recently a mom asked me if I had any resources for sharing the gospel with kids. It inspired me to put together a tract that anyone can print out and use. There are a lot of different gospel tracts out there. But which ones truly cover the key points of the gospel? Often tracts for kids come across legalistic. Sometimes they are filled with pictures of Jesus that parents aren't comfortable with. This tract is unique because:

- There is no sinners prayer
- There is no list of thing we have to do
- There are no pictures of Jesus
- It is Christ-centered and grace-centered
- It is easy for kids to understand

        Please use it and share it!

        I have a heart for helping other moms share gospel truths with their families and others. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you have any requests for more material. Thank you!

If you would like the free PDF, please email me at

Want a one-page handout instead of a tract? Here's all the info from the tract (minus the pictures) ready to copy, paste, and print (might need to re-size it).

The BEST News For Kids!
(And Everyone Else)

       Have you ever tried to be good? I mean really, really good? How about trying to be perfect for a whole day?

       I know I have. Sometimes I think I've done a pretty good job. Other times I know I've messed up. Sometimes I mess up small. But sometimes I mess up really big.

       The problem is, none of us can be good enough for God's perfect heaven. The Bible says that the tiniest bad thing - even just a bad thought! - is enough to make everyone in the whole world guilty. That's you. That's me! Guilty people have to be punished.

       The punishment for sin (our badness) is being separated from God forever when we die. In hell we would be far away from His love. That's bad news! But God didn't let the story end there. He wanted to make a way to get rid of that horrible punishment so people could be with Him in heaven forever.

       But how? Sin doesn't go away on it's own. Somebody has to pay for it. Who could it be? God knew there was only one choice: His own Son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and did something we could never do: He obeyed perfectly. He never messed up. He never even had a bad thought. But He still took the horrible punishment for sin by dying on the cross. God put all of His anger on Jesus. Jesus didn't deserve that! Why did He take the punishment for something He didn't do? He did it so that you and I don't have to.

       You mean we don't have to pay for our own sins? Now that's GOOD NEWS! Jesus didn't stay dead. After three days He rose again to show everyone He has the power to give eternal life. If we trust in Him, God has no more punishment for us. Instead He offers us eternal life in heaven.

       When Jesus takes the sin out of our hearts He puts something else in it's place: His perfect life. God sees Jesus' goodness in us instead of our badness. Jesus' good days cover all of our yucky days. He takes our bad out and puts His good in.

       Do you still mess up sometimes? Me too. But now we can have something we didn't have before: forgiveness! Pray and ask God to forgive your sins because of what Jesus did.  Instead of being guilty you'll be forgiven. Now that's not just good news - that's the BEST news!

       Do you know how to look up verses in your Bible? Give these a try to read more about the best news ever.

John 3:16
Romans 6:23
1 John 1:9
Romans 10:9
John 14:6

(Looking for a fresh new ladies' Bible study? "The Gospel-Centered Mom" Bible study  is now available on Amazon!)


  1. I'd just like to pass on another way to help spread the gospel and it's simply this:-

    Include a link to an online gospel tract (e.g. as part of your email signature.

    An email signature is a piece of customizable HTML or text that most email applications will allow you to add to all your outgoing emails. For example, it commonly contains name and contact details - but it could also (of course) contain a link to a gospel tract.

    For example, it might say something like, "p.s. you might like this gospel cartoon ..." or "p.s. have you seen this?".

  2. I'd just like to pass on another way to help spread the gospel and it's simply this:-

    See if a newspaper will publish a gospel tract (e.g. Maybe pay for an advertisement in the newspaper - but submit a gospel tract to them instead - hopefully they'll publish it as if it were an advertisement?

  3. I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post. infant age

  4. I just found your blog while looking for printable tracts to give out at Halloween and I really liked what you had here as an option. But I wanted to be sure your theology was in the same vein as what I believe because I have often found blogs where they have many kids and they turn out to be Mormon. So I went searching around and am so happy to see you recommending R.C. Sproul and Alistair Begg. And Getty hymns. Truly can't say how excited I am right now. I have quit reading "mommy" blogs because of what I thought was a lack of reformed ones. Thank you for this. Will check out more when I have time.
