GCM Recommended Reading

Monday, October 10, 2016

Can Kids Understand the Gospel? (New video!!!)

Hi Moms,

Today my boys help answer an important question: Can kids understand the gospel? And if so, how much? It's easy to shy away from talking about theology with our kids because we don't want to confuse them. But Jesus praised "childlike faith" for a reason (Matthew 18:3). The gospel is so simple. Sometimes the best way to be reminded of that is to hear it from a child's perspective. Enjoy these six rare minutes of four little boys sitting still to talk about something they love - Jesus!

"Sara Wallace does a wonderful job of taking the practicals of motherhood and relating them to the gospel. I highly recommend this for moms who don't have a lot of time to sit down and do a big Bible study." - Jennifer
Get your copy of "The Gospel-Centered Mom" on Etsy!


  1. Do you have any resources that help teach your kids this. Yes the bible. Something that points to the bible to help explain it. Just learning this myself so anything to help me understand this and explain it too would be good! I've always wondered what is sin. Had that question in my mind. Because I'm not good at confessing my sin because I know I need to see it but also need to know what it is right?

    1. What a wonderful question! Your children are so blessed to have a mom who wants to teach them God's Word. I would love to send you a free copy of my book that has practical tips for raising kids in the gospel. If you email me your address I will put one in the mail for you. sarawallace1@gmail.com
