GCM Recommended Reading

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

10 Ways to Keep Your Mommy Brain Sharp

Being a mom will suck your brain right out of you. Okay, you won't actually lose brain cells - but some will be put on hold for a little while. They need to make room for all the homemade baby food recipes, nursing schedules, and vaccine research. Mommyhood is all consuming. The heaps of new information your brain has to juggle (on top of being sleep deprived) suppresses your ability to think like you used to.
I remember having long late-night theological debates in college. Now when someone asks me how I'm doing I giddily shriek, "He pooped in the toilet!" Don't get me wrong - I'm THRILLED to be reading Pat the Bunny to my babies instead of Milton all by myself. But I'm still that same person. I still long for stimulating conversations (with people older than 5). So what can we mommies do to stay sharp and feed our minds? If you're like me you want something quick but meaningful - light, but edifying. 

I've compiled a list of excellent resources for you moms who are looking for a little something to fill the gap between changing diapers and meal prep. This is your go-to list of mind sharpening tools while you do the dishes, drive to the grocery store, or take a breather on the couch during nap time. 

Pin this one, Moms! You'll want to come back to this list over and over. 

(And please, please, please - if you have an awesome resource that you've been using, share it with us in the comments!) 

10 Ways to Keep Your "Mommy Brain" Sharp

1. White Horse Inn - Radio program hosted by Michael Horton. Horton and his co-hosts will sharpen, challenge, and encourage you as they discuss theological topics from a reformed perspective. I enjoy this format because it is more casual than a sermon or a lecture, but still rich. 

2. The Briefing by Al Mohler. - This is for you news junkies. If you want to keep up with world events but you're sick of the secular perspective, Dr. Mohler gives a daily analysis of the news from a Christian worldview. Audio, video, and transcripts available. 

3. Dr. Horner's Bible Reading Plan - Ready for a life-changing Bible reading plan? Dr. Horner created a unique reading schedule that combines Old Testament and New Testament readings to show how all of scripture works together to tell the same story.

4. YouVersion - A Bible app that lets you listen to (or read) the Bible in any version you want. If you're interested in starting a Bible reading plan like the one mentioned above, why not make it audio? 

5. Spurgeon's Morning and Evening - This is by far one of the best devotionals in existence. Spurgeon keeps it short and sweet and goes straight for the heart every time. What better way to start and end your day than by reveling in the beauty of your salvation?

6. Lecture's by RC Sproul - I personally love Sproul's video lectures because they are interesting and easy to listen to while multitasking. They are more academic than devotional. Many of his lectures are under 30 minutes. 

7. Getty Worship Music - If you thought all hymns were written hundreds of years ago, think again. The Getty's unique ability to put theology to music is second to none. If the Getty's music is filling your home, stress won't.  

8. Sermon Audio - This is a gold mine of online sermons. It includes pastors and speakers from many different backgrounds so it's best to go into it knowing who you're looking for. I recommend Kevin DeYoung, Sinclair Ferguson, and John MacArthur as a great place to start.  

9. Truth For Life - Home of Alistair Begg's rich devotionals, broadcasts, sermons, and blog. Every time I stop by for a visit I leave thoroughly encouraged. 

10. Coursera - "Take the world's best courses, online, for free." Talk about keeping your mind sharp! There are hundreds of free classes to choose from.

Photo credit: http://myjoymyworld.com/2012/09/02/im-back-mommy-brain/

Looking for a fresh new Bible study? Check out The Gospel-Centered Mom, now available on Amazon! Click here to see what moms like you are saying about it.


  1. These are all fantastic! Ross and I have been reading "new morning mercies" by Paul Tripp. It's fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Audra! I just saw someone else recommend that book recently. Sounds like it's worth checking out.

  2. Check out Ref Net, the Reformation Network by RC Sproul's Ligonier Ministries. It is like a radio station that includes most of the ministries you include in your list - Albert Mohler, M&E by Spurgeon, John MacArthur, Allister Begg, etc. I try to put it on in the background from the iPad and then when moments of calm occur I am always edified and encouraged.

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